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Saturday, 28 January 2012

Higher prices for older trains

With the recent annual fare rises and some Train Operating Companies (TOCs) replacing their trains with older stock (eg Northern's most modern train, the Class 158 being replaced by much inferior stock), should passengers pay less for travelling on less comfortable trains?

The question is that whilst some TOCs have investment as part of the franchise, others have the mission of running the same old clapped out stock for as long as they can, such as the eternally hated "Pacers".

I've posted this question on Quora at:

This also posts the question should the seat price reflect the location on train. I'm the only person who seems to like the Class 390 "Pendolino" but I had a journey in 1st class the other week in seat 06, which is right over the bogie. Whilst is wasn't the bone shaking experience of some of the provicial services, it was offputting as I could feel every track alignment problem but maybe that's because once a relayer, always a relayer (which means I'm ex-PWay in another life working on the track renewals) as the video below shows:

First environmental site good practice pictures of 2012

Please click on link below to see photos of good environmental practice on site during January 2012.

Environmental Auditing Blog 2012

After my first batch of construction site environmental auditing for 2012, it's reassuring that the number of construction related activities has slimmed to a trickle.  By working with site managers, sometimes over several years, their environmental awareness has grown without sending them on courses which takes them away from sites and can be expensive.

I've also noticed a more open approach of sites wanting to approach regulators, their clients and internal management about environmental issues, which indicated increased awareness.

Environmental specialist still need to give support and take pressure off sites, but working together, rather than the "healty & safety police" is the way to go and has worked well with some of the long relationships I've developed with clients, some not into their 6th year.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Environmental information blockers

Whilst the construction industry is talking about BIM and modern ways of project information management, it seems that environmental informaiton can still get stuck in the system.

How many environmental professionals do I meet who struggle to get hold of ecology surveys or GI reports. 

So, when looking at information management on a project, please don't forget to include environmental reports as exemptions and definately consents from regulators can take time and can be show stoppers if not done correct.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Clocking up the miles

I can't say this forthcoming week is going to be relaxing as my intenerary is:

Monday -  Rochdale

Tuesday - London

Wednesday - Warwick

Thursday - south Kent

Friday - Suffolk

in both meetings, direct client work and site audits.  However, except the London trip, I'm driving due to the remote nature of the destinations.  Talking to clients, we all seem to be travelling more and more.

I know that in the 6 years I've been in business, it was high milage for the first 2, then for 2 I managed to shrink work geographically and now it's back to the high miles.

However the work gets done, but I do think we should be looking towards video conferencing, which many still seem scared of. The technology is there and we should embrace it, such as for training. Later this year I will be teaching surveying students online using quire cheap, yet powerful software. This offers low carbon, low cost, time friendly learning.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Valued help

Everyone is scared of the Environment Agency (EA). To be honest I find their guidance OK, albeit some a little wordy and their website not the easiest, plus help is quite prescriptive.

My advice is don't bury your head in the sand, especially if you are working in on or over rivers, contact the EA. The Agency seem happy to help once you get through to the right department.

So, why not give them a try to avoid them visiting you as a result of pollution, which is often the result of poor planning.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

HS2 -let's be bold

Let's get this straight, Britain's railways are no longer the music hall joke which they were.  We have a rail industry in growth with ongoing development and improvements like we've never seen since Victorian times.

OK, there are problems such as with fare increases, train operating companies not performing to the level of their profit, train orders not being placed in UK and freight being shifted away from wagonload traffic. However, I think we are in a true renaissance with our rail industry.

We've had a few periods when we nearly got there, first with British Rail under the astute leadership of Sir Peter Parker. The Intercity 125 project was a huge success and sets are still in front line service today. Sadly the APT was so close to being a revolution and despite the huge disappointment, the technology developments developed were vital to modern traction.

Privatisation was a new dawn, yet so flawed losing much knowledge, staff goodwill and technology development which British Rail excelled in.  Despite this, safety and maintenance issues led to two tragic major incidents andccaused the fall of Railtrack. Also, delivery of major projects were at doubt. Having seen at first hand working on it, the disorganised overspend on the West Coast Route Modernisation, it was so positive that the Channel Tunnel Rail Link was such as success as a project, with related works such as the St Pancras modernisation, gave the rail industry the shot in the arm it needed.

The railways are responsible for some of Britain's most famous architectural statements and these are are added to with developments related to existing rail infrastructure, such as The Shard at London Bridge Station.

The High Speed 2 project has the potential to become the iconic civil engineering legacy of our age. This built on the now proven major project delivery of the rail industry with CTRL and Crossrail.

Let's be bold, lets be brave and go for HS2.  The job creation, supply chain opportunities and GDP growth are vast, plus get the nation moving again.

Whilst the land take with any construction projects has an environmental impact, the benefits of lower carbon travel in getting people anf freight off roads is vital.  The major offshoot would be increasing freight and local commuter capacity of the WCML.

The WCML is at full capacity and built on Victorian infrastructure. Despite the huge success of the Pendolino in service, sadly with the 125mph line speed as opposed to the 140mph original planned and scrapped due to construction overspend, without huge disruption in closing the line during the realignment of the curved track and resignalling, a further modernisation will not give much extra capacity.

The benefits to the ECML will be realised also if HS2 is extended to Leeds as well as Manchester and hopfully Scotland. The line has to be be extended past Birmingham, that is why the intial HS2 construction has got to be a success.

So, lets go for HS2 as it makes environmental, social plus short and long term economic sence.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

An introduction to the RICS APC Graduate Routes 1 & 2 - January 2012

Highlights of 2011

Best album
1. Opeth Heritage
2. Dream Theater A Dramatic Turn of Events
3. Black Country Communion Black Country Communion 2

Best film
1. No number 1 - haven't seen that many new films in 2011
2. The Inbetweeners Movie
3. Paul

Best concert
1. Roger Waters- The Wall (Manchester MEN)
2. Rush - Time Machine Live (Manchester MEN)
3. Black Country Communion - High Voltage Festival (Victoria Park,London)

Best professional achievements
1. Still here & trading
2. Passing Chartered Environmentalist qualification via RICS
3. Passing random RICS firms regulation audit

Personal highlights
1. Getting engaged
2. Cruise on MS Liberty of the Sea around the Med
3. Getting over swine flu!

Disappointments of 2011
1. Venkys
2. Steve Kean
3. Swine flu affecting my health for 6 months