I'm noticing recently a slow improvement of energy saving measures on construction sites. For example I've attached a photograph of a sensor activated hot water tap. Many clients ask for energy saving examples, so please explore the options when ordering site accommodation for energy saving measures such as light sensors, timers for heating, alternative heating sources (to diesel) and LED lighting.
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Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Monday, 25 June 2012
Poll says 71% of surveyors & environmental professionals say "Yes" to HS2
Thanks to all who responded to my poll for
"Are you in favour or against the new High Speed 2 rail link in the UK?".
The total result was
Yes to HS2 126 (71%)
No to HS2 52 (29%)
The results are interested and varied between the groups I invited to participate on Linkedin:
Linkedin group "Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors"
Yes 98 (70%), No 42 (30%)
Linkedin group "RICS Sustainability"
Yes 9 (90%), No 1 (10%)
Linkedin group "IEMA - Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment"
Yes 19 (67%), No 9 (32%)
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Free webinar - The 8 Principles of Quality Management
This free webinar gives a brief introduction to the 8 principles of quality management.
Monday, 11 June 2012
Was your fuel secure this weekend?
The rise in fuel prices in the UK may result in an increase of thefts of fuel nationwide.
Did your organization know it’s fuel was stored safely out of hours over this weekend?
Fuel theft does not only cost firms and organizations money, but if the theft causes a pollution incident by releasing diesel this could result in prosecution, civil claims and loss of reputation which may affect firms winning new work.
Measures which may reduce the risk of fuel theft are:
ü Keep fuel bowsers locked at all times
ü Keep smaller fuel caddies in locked stores (if safe to do so)
ü Lock fuel bowsers in a steel container or outbuilding (if safe to do so)
ü Consider fitting a hitch lock to bowers to prevent them being removed from site
ü Keep keys for fuel bowsers secure
ü Consider erecting a fence around refuelling areas to shield from view
Sussex Police Service provide some good advice on preventing fuel and oil theft at:
Remember report any suspicious activity in your area to your local police station
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Unpredictable climate changes
Please take heed & plan ahead for weather changes and extremes.
Check on the EA website in England & Wales whether you are in an area of flood risk for when the weather changes quickly and flash floods arise. Sign up to free flood alerts if you are at risk as it's likely only to get worse.
Also, start thinking about adapting long term to the effects of climate change as many already are.
Saturday, 2 June 2012
London 2012 Olympic Torch comes to Formby
The DIEM Ltd Merseyside Office in formby pauses activity to support the Olympic Torch passing through the village.