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Thursday, 26 April 2012

SWMP - not dead yet

The word on the street is that Site Waste Management Plans (SWMP), which are statutory waste management plans for construction projects in England, however they are still with us.

I'm not going into details of SWMP and details can be found at

but I'm undecided whether they should end.

On the side who wants rid of SWMPs, their diabolically poor implementation by the previous government, meant that they were a good idea badly implemented. They now have seemed to vary in quality and accuracy across projects which is a shame as they are useful, but they have lost their way and maybe it's time for a new start.

When they were brought out, I attended many (state funded) training sessions which were very poor in quality. Also, they were attended by environmental professionals in the main not estimators, quantity surveyors, designers, project managers and the like. People who cost, agree and drive projects from their conception.

SWMP if done right, ie start at the design phase, have been proven to save projects money, but their mandatory nature can make them a formality instead a chance to save money and identify waste minimisation opportunities starting at design.

They are not dead yet, so why not rethink their potential.

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